E129: Habits for Intentional Entrepreneurs with Chantelle Andercastle


E129: Habits for Intentional Entrepreneurs with Chantelle Andercastle

Meet Aligned Business Mentor and Creative Designer, Chantelle as she takes us behind the scenes of her business and personal development practices, teaching us how to be intentional entrepreneurs and move the needle forward…

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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[1:14] Valerie LaVigne: Welcome back to The Women's Empowerment Podcast. Today I get to introduce you to my good friend Sean towel. Chantel is a business mentor, web designer and creator of the aligned action framework, since 2018 She has helped entrepreneurs find depth direction, depth and direction in their biz, so they can get past where they get stuck or where they've settled, Shawn tells zone of genius is teaching service based solopreneurs, to put intention behind what they do in their business to move forward and grow bigger than they ever thought was possible. She's a three one manifesting generator, a Sagittarius sun, Leo moon and Libra rising, you'll typically find her working from her loft apartment in the middle of Canada, wearing her sparkly unicorn slippers. What a fun bio, I definitely want to start telling people, all about my astrology and my manifesting generator. Human Design profile, I love it thank you so much for being on the podcast today. 

Chantelle Andercastle: Thank you Val, I’m so excited to talk to you.

VL: Me too. This is one of those things where we started to get to know each other, probably a year ago almost. And we've actually worked together, so many times over the last year.

And I kept secretly wanting you to be on the show and then I kept putting out like feelers to be like, Yes, I have a podcast.

And I just know that there was just going to be the right time, where the two of us would come together and I'm so glad it's now because we've, like I said, we've worked on so many projects together and I feel like you've just been through a lot, and I'm excited, I'm excited to have you here to share your knowledge to share your information. Today we're talking about habits for intentional entrepreneurs, tell us what is or who is the intentional entrepreneur? 

CA: I see intentional entrepreneurs, as people who pause and think and make conscious decisions that are based on their alignment with themselves and their alignment with their brand values. So, instead of making you know decisions based on what everyone else is doing or what those, those big influences are doing or what the blogs tell you to do, or what the blogs tell you have to do. Intentional entrepreneurs do what's right for them. And what's right for their clients.

[3:53] VL: No pressure or anything!

CA: It’s not always. Like, we aim for that. And an even when you're making intentional decisions you know you might still make mistakes, and that's okay, but another element of the intentional entrepreneurs, is I guess like growing from those experiences, and taking those times when the decision didn't quite go right, and learning from that so that you can make an even better decision next time.

VL: This is so perfect. This is what the Women's Empowerment Podcast is all about. It's about the intention behind what we're doing. It's about learning from learning from the experiences that don't always go as planned, so I'm so excited that we're chatting about this. Now, the first thing that comes to mind when, when you introduce the intentional entrepreneur is, how do we get out of wanting to see what everyone else is doing and thinking that we need to show up in a certain way or thinking we need to do something differently, how do we how do we really connect with, with ourselves?

CA: Early on in my in my entrepreneurship journey I realized that I was I was consuming so much content without actually processing it, and without actually thinking about the relationship that I had with it, or even just deciding how I actually felt about it. I was just speeding through the content and kind of mindlessly consuming. And so something I did early on was, if I'm going to listen to an hour of that podcast, I'm going to spend two hours, then implementing it, or living it or reflecting on it, or meditating on it, and because I owe it to myself to actually do something with that knowledge that I've just gained, otherwise I'm just, you know stuffing more and more information in, And it's not actually getting me anywhere. So I think that's, that's been a big one for me. Another one is, is not following people who are not following like competitors in my niche that they can feel bad.

So it's not to say that I don't follow other business mentors or web designers but I don't follow the ones that don't align with me or that you know that trigger me and in whatever way I tend to limit my inputs. And that's been something that's been important too is deciding what am I going to take in and how am I going to take that in responsibly.

And just notice when that's coming up for me. So, when I, when I have that feeling of envy or I have that feeling of, well she's doing it better than I am, or she's further ahead than I am and I shouldn't be doing this to get the get there faster. That's my cue to pause and look inward and explore those feelings, you know, within myself and not, not just push them down and press play on the next episode.

[7:08] VL: Those are very great practices and I think what they have in common with each other is that they're very mindful, right, we're, we're paying attention to how we're feeling or paying attention to how other things make us feel, and it's so easy to binge content to binge podcast episodes to binge, you know, Instagram TV like HGTV, or whatever it is that we're, we're watching and I never really thought about. I never really thought about that, to listen to something and then take time intentionally take time to implement it or practice it or reflect on it.

This is something that I need to start.

CA: It's possible for me noticing that I was giving myself the check mark and the Goldstar without having done anything. I was, I was taking the fact that I had, you know, Read the chapter or search for the blog post or, you know, checked out the caption, as, as the like checked off my list. And then I was wondering, the problem with that was that I was wondering why am I not seeing any results, you know like, Oh, this is interesting. Why am I not getting any further ahead and my business, it's like you're not actually doing anything, you're just like being a sponge.

And so it's it's been helpful for me to, to encourage myself to take that further before I go in and get more information as a one three in the human design. I'm very much about knowledge seeking and I feel like I have to get like learn more before I do something. And so it's a way of honoring that that part of myself that I know I want to learn more, but I also wanted to integrate.

VL: That is so brilliant and it's so true because I've even talked about this on the show before, because we talk a lot about personal development, I used to be one of those people who I read all the books I was following all the Guru's about personal development and self help and self care and all these things. And it didn't matter how many books I read you started to see that the message was all the same. And the only reason why I wasn't getting anywhere it was because I wasn't actually implementing the message of the book so that's a huge wake up call, I think for a lot of people, and that's a great point to make, to say, Okay, why am I not getting anywhere. Okay, well what actions are you taking to work are you doing to get to where you need to be to get to your goal.

CA: Yeah, exactly, powerful stuff.

VL: And is not always easy and that's where the growth and that's where the growth comes from and that's how we, we up level is when we, we take action and get out of our comfort zones and and do the work so that's super important. I'm glad that I'm glad that you mentioned that. So when it comes to other kind of behaviors or habits, what are some other things that intentional entrepreneurs could be doing?

[10:07] CA: I like to incorporate rituals into my workday so things like to me rituals are just habits that we do more than once that we do repetitively or you know always at a certain time.

And so I have a point of rituals that are based around you know If This Then That. So, if I am reheating my coffee, I'm, I'm taking that minute to stretch at the same time, because otherwise, you know, that's the only reason I really get up from my desk, or, you know every time I am about to get on a zoom call, I go and I refresh my glass of water and just little things built into the actions that I take every day, as I'm working in my business, I use those as cues to be able to add in a little habit so I know will will help me feel good. Like, like, my water stretching, putting Roma therapy in the diffuser.

All of those, all of those little things that I might forget to do otherwise.

VL: I will I refer to them as habit triggers and they really are these little cues that help us get to where we want to be. So when you're, when you're saying these things I'm like, oh I should get water before I jump on the Zoom call or yeah I like to start my diffuser, before I sit down on my desk and I'm thinking about all these different kind of transitions or rituals that I like to incorporate too.

So I guess what I want to ask now is how do we start moving the needle forward in our business, what, what kind of habits. Can we maybe look at implementing to find that growth in our business?

[11:56] CA: Those are great questions. You know I'm all about taking action and built the framework around it. 

And I do recognize that you know there's going to be days when, when we don't feel like taking action that's just part of being a business owner as part of being human. And so my intention isn't you know that you have to be taking decisive intentional action, all of the time constantly. But when you do, it's important to celebrate that. So I haven't I had, in full disclosure I don't do it anymore but earlier in my in my entrepreneurship journey. I had a gun, I had an action journal. And I think this is a recommendation from, from my therapist of like it's stupid told me you know it's not enough to just think about something like, you then have to do it before you see some kind of results, and she encouraged me to think to write down anytime I did something that took me a little bit out of my comfort zone when I was a little bit scared of doing. And so I had this one journal that you know I put, you know like filled out this podcast application to be on the podcast that would go in there, because it's just a, just a touch, out of my, of my every day but those are the kinds of actions that would really, you know, take me further in my business. And so it was that having the journal motivated me to, you know at least have one thing to write down on most days. Now this journal was pre pandemics, so, like, keep that in mind that your capacity is going to be different, all the time based on what's going on in our lives in the world, but I was motivated to just write these things down as I went.

And that it encouraged me to do more things so I had something to write down I'm very motivated by the check marks the quotes in my own journals.

So I said that that was a great practice for, we're starting to intentionally move forward.

VL: I love this. I definitely want to start incorporating this so actually something that you mentioned a little while ago, in stories, I remember like flipping through, and I screenshot of it because you were, you were talking about things that you were going to be tracking in your business, and I thought one of them was really cool. One of the things you said was, you're going to start tracking the times you went out of your comfort zone, and I did something similar to this. A couple years back and I've started redoing it now since you posted about it. Can you tell us maybe like, maybe give an example or tell us a little bit more about what that would look like.

[14:35] CA: Yeah, I think, with the tracking, you know, doing that where you're actually going to use it is, is so key. So if you're a pen and paper person, like, keep an actual journal, if you're, you know that you're digital mostly email yourself every time or put it in your task manager your asana, or Trello your pick up whatever, or find an app that you can keep that kind of list in, but it's it's so motivating to look back on what you've tracked and see, these are the actions that I've already taken, right, those empower you to take more actions.

And so having that having that list handy of, you know, this is, this is what I, this is what I've accomplished this is what I've done. I think is so motivational and is a way that you don't need to look outside yourself for motivation, right, you get to get to use that list to look inward and think, Hey, these are some things that I've accomplished, which means if I can do this, I can probably do that.

VL: Wow. Yes. That's so true, it's really empowering to see that proof, and also what you said earlier it's that it gets you to take more action, because what we don't always realize is that we're kind of growing this muscle this courage muscle or this this growth muscle. I like to call it you know the I'm in the health and wellness industry, I've got to relate everything to fitness and wellness. Anyway, but what I love about that is that it's really cool to see how that list grows, and then you get to look back and say, Wow, I have taken so many steps. Wow, I'm so capable of this next big leap, or whatever it is and I to be very driven by the checklist.

CA: You’ve got to give yourself the sticker, and yourself the gold star right, right, like because, as entrepreneurs like we don't have the boss was willing to do that, or, you know, it's not always those external metrics that are going to give us that sense of satisfaction so learning to give ourselves that that pat on the back, or that moment of celebration that moment of gratitude for ourselves, that's, that's powerful.

[16:58] VL: It is. It absolutely is. And we're the only ones who can kind of, kind of do that for ourselves. So just like you said, when I want to know now is how do we know that we're taking the right steps forward for us, how do we know that we're growing in the right direction?

CA: So, I think, a concept that's tossed around a lot, is this concept of alignment, and I think the missing piece there is people don't always know what they're aligning to.

And so making decisions, gets a lot easier. Once you know what you're aligning to, and you can do that in a couple of different ways but I found that, like, basing decisions based on values, has been the most effective for myself and for my clients is deciding on a list of four to seven words that are your guiding values and principles. And when you're faced with a decision, you know like this or that, or, you know, sure. Should I use should I buy this or should I invest in that or what do I do next, consulting that list, and going back to that I'm having it, you know, physical somewhere, or having it completed finished.

It seemed that, That ability to look back and go, Okay, does this line up with my body's not gonna lie machining. Is this an alignment with my, with myself with my values. And I think that's that's the most powerful tool we have as decision makers, because we can't, You know, we have great like capacities we don't always know what is going to happen, you know, three decisions further down the line or three months from now. And so the best we can do really is make the most informed decision that we can, and the most aligned decision that we can, based on what we already know, and that includes your poker knowledge, and our, our knowledge of self and our integration of our own personal experience. So when you're armed with, like, or when you're at the moment of making a decision. Really what you have to consult is your past experience, up until this very moment.

It seemed that, That ability to look back and go, Okay, does this line up with my body's not gonna lie machining. Is this an alignment with my, with myself with my values. And I think that's that's the most powerful tool we have as decision makers, because we can't, You know, we have great like capacities we don't always know what is going to happen, you know, three decisions further down the line or three months from now. And so the best we can do really is make the most informed decision that we can, and the most aligned decision that we can, based on what we already know, and that includes your poker knowledge, and our, our knowledge of self and our integration of our own personal experience. So when you're armed with, like, or when you're at the moment of making a decision. Really what you have to consult is your past experience, up until this very moment.

VL: Yes, I just hold time like shaking my head like, Yes, this is so true and this is so important because it really comes down to, like when you set the alignment, and not just that overuse of the word, but the actual practice of it, taking that action in that alignment, and you support a lot of new entrepreneurs I would say is that correct, yeah?

When you're working with them, have you noticed maybe a theme or a couple similarities in where they get stuck, and, and how, how do they get out of those kind of limiting beliefs?

CA: I think the main one is that they have so many ideas, and they're feeling scattered and we want to streamline.

You all can’t see her, but Val  just have this little fist bump when I said that.

VL: Yes. 100% that’s me. I'm like, I have all the ideas, but which one do I do like how do I, where do I start anyway. Streamlining.

CA: Yeah, and streamline isn't a word I would use with the word my clients been to us. And I think to them what it means is, like are they looking for clarity, they're looking for. Taking all of our ideas and picking the best one I think that's what streamlined means for them. And I would say, you know, if you have a lot of ideas, that's a strength. That's, that's a positive, and you want to give life to all of your ideas in some ways so that you don't put yourself into ideas scarcity, because trust me it would be worse to not have any ideas that would be, that would be a real struggle. Right, it's very difficult to build a business on no ideas, And so, having lots of ideas actually is probably very powerful, or can be if you choose to view it that way, so I'd encourage you know, write down all of those ideas.

Meditate on those ideas. Decide, talk to them, really, like, talk to if I had some ideas but I remind them that I'm still there, but they're not for right now, and that's okay.

You know like it wouldn't be a good idea to open anything brick or mortar right now for me, in my particular circumstance. so I you know I don't do that but I think maybe some days this idea will be. That'll be the right moment, it will be aligned and sober mind the idea but, you know, it can still hang around me for as long as you know as long as I want it to do.

And I'm not forgetting about it.

But but I'm focusing on other ideas right now and I'm bringing those to life, and that's where my focus needs to be. And I guess over the three years of being an entrepreneur I've developed a better trust in myself that the ideas that I have right now are the right ones for right now, and that's been a continual growth experience because I didn't always have that trust in my first business as a yoga teacher, I had all the ideas my active on all of the ideas, because I am very action driven, but I acted on so many ideas that I like I diluted, my brand, right, like it wasn't, it wasn't clear for people what I offered. And then I wasn't giving enough of myself to each of them to make any of them successful. And I used to think that, you know, if I, I would be more successful if blank, you know like if I had a product based business, I'd be more successful and so I launched myself into products, and that didn't turn out to be a great decision for me because I was just trying to add things that I thought made other people successful, not the things that I actually deeply knew that I wanted to do, I didn't have a good why around them. And so, acted on those ideas without that depth wasn't wasn't a good strategy.

So I feel like I've got a tangent here but the, the too many ideas mindset, or the too many ideas problem, I think, just needs a little bit of a reframe of, you know, some ideas are for right now, and some ideas are for later, some ideas are for me, and some ideas are for other people.

[24:10] VL: Definitely. So, okay so I have two questions. One of that. The first one is we okay let's say because I'm the idea person, I'm gonna use myself as an example, I have all of the ideas and they come all the time, and sometimes I'm like whoa whoa whoa, slow down, I can't even, like, think about all of them. So let's say I choose the one that feels best for me, and I'm going along going along going along, and then like, there's a second shiny object over here, as the shiny idea over here. How do I then I'm going to use this expression stay in my lane. When all of the other things are like twinkling in my eye. What do I do?

CA: Yeah shiny object syndrome is real. I, I hear you, that like squirrel mentality, it's so difficult with our attention spans, as they are, you know that instant gratification I think makes us feel like we have to we have to go all in on that idea right now or it's going away.

And so for shiny object syndrome, I, I would just encourage keeping an idea bank somewhere of No, this is a this is a potential, this is a possibility maybe it's a possibilities journal or a potential list of, you know, this is something I could focus on later on so something, and know your feelings around it to like because this is exciting, Is this, like what about it is attracting new, so it's it's why, why is it sparkly to unify us and shiny.

What is, what element is actually connecting with you on that level, and maybe you can bring that feeling into what you're doing currently, like maybe that's a hint that what you're currently working on is not as exciting there doesn't feel you don't feel as passionate about, or you don't feel as inspired or motivated. And so maybe that's a hint to remind you, okay, you want a little more of this feeling remember. And so how can you bring that into what you're doing right now, I mean you reshape that recreate that?

And then how can you make space for those videos later so maybe it's something like leaving yourself, you know 10 minutes a day meditating on all of those things those future potential as possibilities.

Scripting them into your, into your future. So, but remind yourself that now. This is what you're doing right or, you know, potentially, potentially, it's also a message to let go of the thing that you're currently doing maybe doesn't feel like it's working anymore. Maybe you are looking at work towards the briefings because you're trying to give yourself permission to stop doing that thing you're doing that you've lost interest in. So that could be a really it's a lot of self inquiry.

I find myself, you know, in a staff meeting with one a lot. Where I'm thinking through these things and thinking okay, is this my higher self talking, or is this my ego or is this me distracting myself. What is what is going on here with you.

[27:27] VL: Right, so then these just have to give yourself a little bit of a tough thing to definitely I talked to myself all the time. I love that solo meeting.

The second question that I had before if we're gonna want to jump right into it, is how do we build trust with ourselves, we were talking about trust earlier because their habits are practicing?

CA: That's a great question for me and trust in myself has been gradual totally a result of therapy and meditation and making mistakes and learning from them and making really big mistakes and learning from them, I think, I think my greatest. My greatest sense of self trust has come from my, my worst mistakes, and having to experience those in growth through them and teach myself to build that trust back with myself every time that's happened.

And just recognize that it's a journey, no like, it's one of your favorite presidents but, but it is it's, it's something that we're never going to be complete in that it's, it's just something that we're, we're developing that we're learning to do in an ongoing way that it's a relationship, right, we have a relationship with ourselves, and that's how we develop that self trust. And I think it's different than, than how we trust how we trust ourselves is different than how we trust other people like yes we're proving things to ourselves in some ways, you know, like every time we follow through on a habit, or every time we we take an action vote for proving something to ourselves, but also, it's, it's a little bit bigger than that. Right, it's not just transactional where it's you know do this action and then your sense of trust froze, it's also just a holistic sense of it, that, that grows over time.

VL: That's so powerful it is. It is very much I love that you said that holistic sense and it is definitely is something that grows over time.

Oh my goodness, I've learned a lot about trusting myself, and I just realized since you said from your biggest mistakes that you know what a lot of my trust, as well as my growth has come from those failures have come from though and I don't even like to call them failures because of the negative connotation of the word, but I think that's what they, that's what a lot of people would recognize them as. However, I would not be where I am today without those, those moments and time. Without those experiences without those mistakes. So, you know why it's one of those things where that was a really deep answer to the question. And I think that, as an entrepreneur, as a human, we need to, to spend time recognizing the growth recognizing, maybe the silver lining or the outcome from that hardship from that mistake, and that's where so much magic happens, whether it's trust or learning or growth or redirection pivoting, all of those things, it's so beautiful and when we can look at it in this way, That's where things start, start to shift for us and expand for us. 

CA: Yeah, what you were saying actually just gave me a great kind of metaphor for it. Is it because when you break through trust with yourself, then you're forced to rebuild it. Right, and it's in the rebuilding that you get better at it and it makes me think of watching my partner's kids build their Legos.

It's, it's so interesting to watch them as they come up against, you know like they put a piece in the wrong spot and then they're 10 steps later and are like, Oh no, what do I do and it's this big panic about the Lego and. And I always tell them you know the joy isn't the building because once you've built that cool Lego. If you're not really playing with, what do you call the Lego but you once you've built that thing, you're not really playing with it. Play aspect of it is building. The building is the toy. And so, the building of the trust is kind of similar to that you're building it like block by block and sometimes you have to go back 10 steps, and, and rebuild that, and that's just, like, you know, that's life. That's business sometimes we have to go back and rebuild with ourselves, but we're getting better at it every time because we have that we have that that advanced knowledge, that's how we can see is 10 steps into the future, is when I did this last time, I didn't get the result that I want, but I get the opportunity to go back and try again.

[32:38] VL: Oh my goodness, you are like Oprah. So, like you're just dropping the word seven. Right now I'm like, oh my god I never thought about it this way, as Lego as the building blocks of that's the journey, the journey is the reward the journey is the fulfillment, it's not the end of the journey not the destination

CA: This is a hard concept for preteens, but yes, that is the journey.

VL: That's right, my goodness, I love that you explained it, like I love who doesn't love like, Okay, I want to get into how we can support you but I just feel like I need to ask, is there anything else that we should know is there anything else you need to share with us today?

CA: I I'd actually love to share my most long standing habit. Well I know that your most long standing habit is the, making your bed every day from when you get The Compound Effect.

Mine is for the last three years or so, I've met every Tuesday with, with my friend Dana, and we have a mastermind of two. And, you know, sometimes, Sometimes we have to shift and it's not exactly Tuesday. It's at 3:30pm Sometimes it's early or something. The next day, but it's a habit that stayed very consistent.

It's a habit that's lasted longer than anywhere I've lived in my adult life.

And what we do is we we've, we've committed to each other going on this like this personal growth journey, sort of hand in hand. And when we started it we would actually meet at the park, and sit on a bench and talk every week, and we work our way through self help books one chapter at a time, and the practices built around the idea that we, we, we had a tendency to read through these books like the speed read through them and not actually do any of the exercises or absorb any of the learnings. And so, we can't read ahead, we can't, you know have spoilers, so we read one chapter a week. And we said, with what or recent on Zoom, and we discussed the chapter of the week, and it's a kind of book that has exercises in it like, like the you are a badass books for example of those exercises at the end of the chapter and I think compound effect those two it has the homework.

The Compound Effect was also one of our one of our mastermind books.

So we had that connection but we we support each other and our and our personal growth through those meetings and use those books as a, as a tool to start the conversation, and having to just read one chapter at a time and not skip ahead, and not speak, read through the whole thing gives us, you know, an experience of, you know if the book has 10 chapters, that's, that's a minimum 10 week commitments that we're making to it and to each other. And so we get to live with the books a little bit longer and and CO create that experience together. And that's been just integral to my growth as an entrepreneur, it's been the most valuable habit because I believe that working on myself, is working on your business. And because I am my business, like, along with my clients. Right, so that that taking that time that dedicated time or don't book anything else, and that time I don't, I don't want to get overtaken by calls or by the list or emails, or whatever, committing that time to myself and committing that time to my friend, and to the book that we're reading has been really transformative and I'd encourage anyone to find that person that is going to handhold you on your way to to growing to be the best that you can be for your life and for your business.

[36:48] VL: What a lovely friendship mastermind relationship that you have I think that's so powerful. And I also like the pacing of it too.

What a lovely friendship mastermind relationship that you have I think that's so powerful. And I also like the pacing of it too.

And I think it's great advice and I think it goes full circle back to what we kind of started with was not just consuming consuming consuming but actually taking action and this gives you the opportunity and the accountability to do that.

CA: Because a lot of the exercises, you know, left to my own devices, I would not do that because they're scary prayed like, like, who wants to actually do the exercise when they're forgiving themselves and they're doing it, they're saying it out loud in the mirror like nobody wants to do it.

Right, I certainly don't don't want to face that part of myself, right, but because I know I have to, because I know my partner is doing it as well but at that same time, and then also you know I have to answer to her. The next week, or I'll have nothing to say which was how does exercise to for you.

It, it's a little bit of a little bit of safety, I guess, in doing that exercise to know that, you know, even if you feel silly doing this thing or even if you don't want to do that work for someone else doing it with you.

And, and you'll get more out of it, if you, if you do it.

And so that, that motivation has been killed got. That's why I've gotten further right that's why I've gotten further with it is I haven't skipped over the ones that are hard.

VL: Yes, call us all out for that. That’s perfect.

CA: I’ve been tempted, you know and some some weeks I have each of us have some weeks we've skipped them and then we've had to try again the next week. And, and we've just added it on, I guess, to the next weeks.

Because then if we if we both fail or one of us fail to do it and we talk about it. Like, why was that scary. Why was that hard why, why did that feel like a no, what am I avoiding that I didn't want to do that or what am I afraid will happen, or what am I blocking myself from receiving by not doing that.

VL: It is some really great questions, but that's part of taking action it's you, you figure out you bring awareness to the stuff that sucks, and the stuff that you're afraid of. And you, but then when you have those breakthroughs when you actually, you do you do number two, and you do the thing that you were avoiding week after week, and then you're like, oh my god, I can do anything, or I can do the next thing, and it's, again, like we're going back full circle again to building trust and taking action and all the things that we, that we need to be doing to move the needle forward.

This has been such a wonderful conversation, I mean, I knew it was gonna be.

I just, I feel like you blew my mind, which you always do but this was just even more different and amazing than I expected. I'm so glad. I'm so glad that we finally did this.

CA: You’re my favourite super client!

VL: So sweet. I'm sure it'll be another project for us to work on and then we have one more round as a shower one more segment of the show but before we get into it. Let us know where we can find you where we can follow you and how we can support your business.

INSTAGRAM | @clearquartzcreative

WEBSITE | www.ClearQuartzCreative.co

So, supporting my business is really, by supporting your business and that's with the aligned action framework that I've created. I have an eight day or eight week depending on what pace you want to take it workshop that self paced takes you through all of the steps of building an intentional business based on alignment to you, and learning to become just a more conscious decision maker. So over the course of eight hours, you learn how to bring more of you into your business to do business on your own terms, and to really connect to yourself as you as you grow your business. And the link for that is, in my bio or through my website, and I think that's, that's really the best way to connect and to grow.

VL: I've done the aligned action core slash framework, and it is really amazing. I was very impressed, even as someone who has had a business for a while. I've noticed that recently a lot of my core values and a lot of my intentions have changed. So to kind of go back to the kind of fundamentals or just remind yourself of what your mission is what your vision is who you're supporting. It was really helpful for me, so thank you so much for that. 


1. What are you currently reading? OR What’s your favourite book?

Favourite Book: The Untethered Soul

Currently Reading: The Art of Possibility

2. What do you love most about being a woman?

The sense of personal power, is that I feel, and on things like sparkles.

3. What does “empowerment” mean to you?

Empowerment, to me, means, like we touched on earlier, that building that trust with yourself. I think the more that we trust ourselves, the more power that we are. And the more that we know ourselves or empower that we are so self knowledge and self trust.

4. What are you currently working toward?

I am currently working towards a business that reaches more people. Up to now I've mostly focused on his one to one services, where I'm working directly with clients for our period of time. 

And I'm working on building more courses like the aligned action framework that are going to meet entrepreneurs where they're at and teach them skills that they need that are very specific. So like one thing I'm working on is the intentional inbox. So how to be intentional with your email, and I have so many more ideas about like how to be intentional with your, your brand photoshoots, because that's something that my clients come to me with lots of questions about, and creating those, those, those courses so that you know they're very accessible, or reasonably priced, and they're sort of easily consumable and actionable. And then, just getting to connect with, with more entrepreneurs through that true that experience of working with them.

[46:00] VL: Well, it is an absolute pleasure working with you. I should know it's been, I think five projects, different projects.

Thank you so much. This was amazing. You are amazing, I want to just take a moment to acknowledge you and your work and your, your overflowing, knowledge, and I feel like every time I connect with you, I learned something new, maybe not always about web design or about being an intentional entrepreneur I mean it definitely did today, but sometimes it's even just learning something more about myself. I mean think it's so, it's such a pleasure, a blessing to know you as a friend and also to have worked with you so I'm just, again, like really grateful I'm really happy to, to know you and to share your voice and your knowledge with my community. So thank you so much. 

CA: Thank you. That is the three that are gonna make me cry over here.

VL: That’s the goal. JUST KIDDING!

CA: I also want to acknowledge you because you put so much effort, And so much heart into this podcast and sharing it with everyone. So, I acknowledge you, in a, in a similar way, with gratitude.

VL: Thank you, and I receive that.


Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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