E237: Human Design as a Tool to Understanding How we Can Create Habits & Routines


E237: Human Design as a Tool to Understanding How we Can Create Habits & Routines

Elle Hamilton is a Self Discovery Guide and Human Design Expert, supporting women seeking clarity and confidence in navigating their life path. Her approach empowers clients to reject societal expectations, embracing their own journey with a unique blend of self-awareness and intuitive lifestyle design. Through exploration of their Human Design Chart, she helps clients rediscover their authentic self, realize their unrestricted potential, and seize a life of empowerment and freedom…

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Valerie LaVigne:   Welcome back to the Women's Empowerment Podcast. I am very excited to bring on a special guest to the podcast. Welcome Elle I am. I just feel like I'm buzzing.  I'm buzzing with excitement  because I love that I've stumbled upon you and you're incredible. Content, your videos, your posts, like it's so aesthetically beautiful, and I'm very drawn to that.

And also so much information, so much valuable wisdom, so I cannot wait to what we get into today. Thank you so much for being here. 

Elle Hamilton:  Oh, thank you. I'm so glad that you know how you post things on Instagram and you never really know who's looking at it and what they think about it. Like you might get some likes and that, but when you actually hear it, it's like, so thank you for that.

VL:  Oh, you're most welcome. I'm so excited. Because one of the things that you love, I mean, you'd love to talk about lots of things, but you travel, you talk about human design, you talk about harmonizing in your life with. Using your design, using your type, using the strategy of human design to really.

Embrace and embody the world around you, and it just is such a beautiful, beautifully led life that you, I mean, that's what I'm seeing on your social media and on your YouTube channel. So I love that we are talking about this today. Why don't you tell us a little bit about how you got into human design, some parts of your journey, and for those of the listeners who human design is new to, cause we haven't really talked about it on the show very much. Maybe just like the intro of that, what is it? 

[02:39] Human Design is an Awareness Tool

EH:  Yeah, so I'll start there. So human design, it's, it's an awareness tool. So most people I've heard of astrology, you might know what your sun sign is. I'm a Pisces and people pretty much know these things, even if you don't know all the full breadth of astrology.

But human design is made of five different. Ancient and modern system. So astrology is one of those. The shocker system is another very popular on its own, of course. The it, the Cabala and quantum physics. So all of these things are meshed into one. And basically when you're looking up, your Hume design is based on your birthdate, your birth time, and the birth location, just like astrology is.

So you can go to websites like. mybodygraph.com or geneticmatrix.com, and you'll put that information in and it'll spit something out that looks like a body. And most people see this body, this picture of a body, and it has like shapes on it. They're colored in. Some are white, it's numbers.

And I know for me, when I first saw it, I'm like, what in the world? What is this? So yeah, so you'll get that information and then I always encourage people to just start with a few key elements when they look at that, see that, and don't get overwhelmed, but we can talk about those things in a bit. But just to talk about how I got introduced to human design.

I've always been one of those people that has been into astrology and looking up the horoscope in the back of magazines when I was little, like even though I wasn't supposed to taking personality tests online, I think I've always just been curious and trying to figure myself out. And then it was like when I, my last in-office corporate job I was.

It was such a, a bad experience, honestly, and I call it my corporate trauma story, but it was an instance where I was just really unhappy just trying to figure out my life and what do I actually wanna do? Like why am I so unhappy here? And just the way I was being treated at that job, it was very stressful.

I felt very like overwhelmed, undervalued type of situation. And. That stress really started to take a toll on my body. So at one point I broke out in hives, like full body hives. Didn't know why I was trying to come up with things. Well, maybe I ate this, or maybe it was a shirt I had on and went to the doctor and they're like, we don't know either.

They did test. They're like, there's nothing wrong with you. Gave me steroid chops. And then I had like this chronic neck pain and. I, I won't even go into all the things that were wrong with me, but I went to the doctor and they're like, there's nothing wrong with you. It was, it was mental, you know, but that was hard to say.

It was like, what's going on? And so I think that's what really made me curious about, okay, you know, you're unhappy with what your life is right now. You're unhappy with this job and all of these things are happening, but what are you gonna do about it? And I started to get curious. So I really delve, delve into like the world of.

Self-help and trying to understand myself. And through that I eventually stumbled upon human design. And when I read, when I first like pulled my chart and read it, like started to research what all these elements meant, I'm like, oh my gosh, did someone write this about me? Because it felt like someone was writing about me specifically.

So ever since then, I'm like, people have to know about this. And then I started to. Study it on my own, like just through Google. And then I enrolled in all of these different courses with different teachers because everyone has their own way of teaching and their own perspectives on the system. So it kind of just sucked me in and here I am now talking about it.

Yeah, I talk about it all the time, and my friends kind of, they laugh at me like, oh, she's about to ask someone their birth time. Like, I'm that, that kind of person. So yeah, I'm, I'm all about it now. 

VL:  I love it so much. I'm so glad. You know, I mean, I hear a lot of these very transformational stories of people who came from pain and suffering and disappointment, and this not being heard, not being seen, not being taken seriously.

And then, You know, they find something, they find the right thing that helps them open the door to this entirely new life. And you look at photos of you when you were in that job versus how you are now. And it's almost like you're looking at a different person because you've had this experience. And so, first of all, I just really want to bring awareness to the fact that that was very brave and courageous of you to say to, to get curious.

Because a lot of people, you know, they lie awake at night wondering. What's going on, what's wrong? But there are no solutions lit up for them, or they're not, you know, taking those steps to, to, to get curious and to ask those scary questions. So congratulations for that. That's amazing. And I'm so glad that it's brought you to just this more expansive and incredible life that you're living.

And it's really helped me find you so, So many, so many things to celebrate from there. I feel very similar to you when you talked about like reading the magazines and the horoscope at the back of the magazine. I am someone who is super into astrology and now I am more, well, I'm also interested in human design and I'm a line one and I dive into everything I need to know.

I need to investigate all of the things. I need to sign up for all the courses and read all the books. And so you're meeting me at a very kind of. Interesting beginning part of my human design journey. So I definitely don't have all the answers, but I do know a few things and I will say similar to what you said at the beginning, I looked at that chart and I, the body graph, and I was like, what the heck is this?

Yes. I have no idea what these shapes mean and why is this line black and this line is red and so many questions. So it can be overwhelming. And I think a great place to start with learning anything new is just by, you know, asking questions and getting curious. And, and my question for you is, what is your type and your profile number?

[09:02] Foundational Pieces of Human Design

EH:  Mm-hmm. So I am a two four emotional manifestor, so, When we talk about like the foundational elements of human design, most people start with their type and then each type has a strategy and I'll talk about that. Your authority and then the profile. So the profile for me would be two, four, and that is the, the hermit and the networker.

So I used to always call myself an ambivert, which is like a mix of introvert, extrovert. And then when I learned two, four, I'm like, duh. I'm like, that's so true. So that's my profile. And the profile is pretty much like how you interact with the world, how you interact with people. And then emotional is my authority.

Authority is how you're designed to make decisions. Most people are taught that we need to be logical, we need to make decisions with the mind. But in human design, No, we don't make decisions with the mind. We tune, tune into like our inner authority, and that's usually tuning into what your body is actually telling you what, what signals are coming up for you.

That's how you make your decisions. And of course there's always gonna be an element of logic, but we, that's not the deciding factor on, you know, how you move through life. So I'm emotional authority, so that means that I'm making decisions based on what my emotions are actually leading me to what they're telling me, what information they're giving.

And then type, I'm a manifestor, so there's five different types. US manifestors, we only represent 1% of the population. Not one, I'm sorry. We are 9% of the population. But we're the initiators. We're here to like get the ball rolling on things. Set. Basically setting the vision and then getting the other types on board to help us make it a reality.

And I know you are a manifesting generator, so manifesting generators make up about 35% of the population. You guys are the multi-passionate, you have lots of energy and. I would say like most of my family are manifesting generators. So when I learned that, I'm like, I could see, I could see how we're different.

You know, it makes sense. And then another part of the manifesting generator, you have the generators who are Well, let me put it this way. So you have generators, you guys not you, but the generators are designed to like master things. They also have a lot of energy, but when I talk about manifesting generators, they're a hybrid of the manifestors and the generators.

So in total generators and manii man gens, you guys make up 70% of the population. So basically, The way we move through, through this world and how everything is set up is pretty much built for generators and manifesting generators, which is great. But if you're a manifesting gener, if you're a manifestor or one of the other two types, it can be difficult cause you're not built the same.

And then we also have so I cover three types. So we have the projectors, which they're the guys of the world. They represent about 21% of the population. And. Just like the Manifestors, they don't have as much energy, as much consistent energy as the generators manifesting generators. And then the fifth type, which is the most rare of all of them, is the reflectors.

So they're the, they're the ones that make up 1% of the population. And with them, they. They're like the mirrors of the world. So whatever they see, they're reflecting that back to the rest of us so that we know what's working and what's not working. So typically when you look up your Hume design on one of these websites that I mentioned or any other one type is what you would start off with.

And it, you know, when you meet people and they're saying, oh, I'm into human design too, and they'll probably tell you what their type is, cuz that's like the most foundational element of human design. So that's just a brief overview of the types. 

VL:  Love that. I know that people are probably listening and be like, I need to pause so that I can figure out what I am.

And I highly recommend looking that up on any of the sites. I'm actually gonna link to all of the, the tools that you share today in your show notes page, which is gonna be at valerielavignelife.com/elle. Okay, so we learned about the types and now we're figuring out what our type is. Let's say we know our type.

[13:28] Generator VS Mani Gen VS Manifestor

Now I do have a question because I often get tripped up about manifesting generators versus generators versus manifestors. So I'm just gonna be a little bit selfish here with this question and ask you. So sometimes I hear that if you're a manifesting generator, your strategy is to respond, which I understand, but how am I different from a generator than I am from a, in a than I am as a manifesting generator?

Because I guess where I'm confused is do I also initiate or do I only respond? You know what I mean? It's confusing. 

EH:  It is.  The manifesting generator strategy is to respond, but then they take action. They would also need to. Inform. So that's the manifesting part. And then they initiate.

So it's like you have all three elements in your strategy which I'm sure that could be very tricky to figure out, you know, what exactly you're supposed to do, but you're still, like, with the manifestors, we, we might get a download or we have an idea and we. We need to inform, but then we take action.

It's kind of like we're not really asking anyone's permission or consulting. We're like, Hey, this is what I'm about to do, just fyi. And then we go do it. But with the manufacturing generator, you guys, you're seeing something you might see like in something that's calling. Someone might ask you a question, so you're responding to that, but before you do anything about it, you're like, Okay, cool.

Hey, this is what I'm about to do, and then you do it. So it's like you're not just taking action on your own first you are responding to something and then you're informing and then you're taking the action. So hopefully that is a bit clearer. 

VL:  Yeah, I think so. I think so. I think you're right in saying, I mean, I'm trying to think for myself of what I do, and I definitely try.

It helps me if I'm responding to something, even if it's just an idea. Like actually right before we started this call, I was just popping through Instagram and an ad came up and I really liked the layout of the ad, and so I had to screenshot it because I'm like, oh my God, I need something. I need to do something with this.

And it's not like the ad is irrelevant to my business, but I love the setup of it. And that's, Now I'm gonna do something with it. I don't know what I'm gonna do yet, but I feel like that was me and my gut responding to, cause I'm a SAC authority, so I felt like I'd needed, you know what I mean? I just. I dunno what I'm gonna do with it yet.

EH:  Like something was put in front of you for you to respond to. You know? Like even though, and I think sometimes people get confused because you think it needs to be a person specifically asking you to do something. I don't think that's what it is. It could just be something that is presented to you or maybe you're calling it in somehow.

I always like to say like the generators and manifesting generators have this magnetizing aura, so you might just find things just coming to you and it may seem mysterious, but I don't think anything is a coincidence. So it's like you're drawing these things, you're magnetizing them to you. For you to respond to.

And I love that because I like, I'll see like my Mani gen friends, it's like things are just coming to you. And I'm like, that is just so cool. I wish things happened to me in that way, you know? But it's a really beautiful thing, like to have this aura where things are just like, you know, just coming to you, for you to respond to.

VL:  Very cool. I'm, I'm sure everyone is now thinking I need to know everything about this. Maybe just me, cuz I'm a line one, but, okay. So we've talked about type, we've talked about. A little bit of energy and how some types have a little more energy than others. There are quite a few differences. And obviously we could talk about this for hours and hours on end.

[17:22] Using HD as a Tool to Understanding How we Can Create Habits & Routines

So let's narrow it down to something a little bit more specific. And that would be in terms of and we can use human design obviously as our tool, but how can we use that human design tool to understand. How we can create habits, how we can create routines in our lives. Because I know for myself, I was someone who really did not like the word discipline.

I did not like the idea of structure. And then people meet me and they're like, yeah, but you're a healthy habit mentor. How does that work? So maybe you can help us understand that from a human design perspective. 

EH:  Mm-hmm. So the whole concept of human design, the founder, the person that. Brought it to the world.

He calls it an experiment, like human design is an experiment. A lot of times people think, okay, this is the right way for us to live our lives, to work our jobs. This is the right way for us to have routines and all that. And it's really built as if there's some kind of one size fits all blueprint. And I hate that, like we're not all the same.

So human design is also known as the science of differentiation. So it's pointing out all the ways that we are different. So each individual human design chart, this body graph, You know, it's, it's yours. Like it's very unique. Like there's probably no one else that has it exactly like yours. So what I like to do is encourage people to experiment.

Like even if I'm sharing your human design with you, it's still up to you to experiment with what works and what doesn't work. But when I'm looking at routines and habits and whether a person. Probably does well with structure or maybe they're a go with the flow type of person. I like to look at something called a variable or an arrow.

So if you look at your body graph or the chart, your human design chart near the head, you'll see four arrows. There's one on each side, and the one that is at the top left hand side is your digestion variable. And what that one does is tell you whether or not. How you do well with structure and routines.

And so when it points left, that tends to mean that you, like, you prefer structure, you like routines, maybe you like consistent habits. And I mean, anyone could have a habit, but like I. What probably resonates and feels most natural. If it points left, you probably like that consistency. But if it points right, then I tend, you know, those people tend to prefer to go with the flow.

And so when I'm looking at someone's humane design chart and I'm, I'm looking at that specific variable, I'm like, okay, so. And people that have it go into the left, they tend to like structure and they're, they're cool because that's the way that we are taught. We're taught to like structure, even like the school.

You need to be here at this time and do this and do that. And this is the way we learn. So if you have it pointing left, that feels natural to you. But if it points right. You've been told, no, that's not the right way to do it. No, you need to be consistent. No, you need to fall into this structure. And so it might be a struggle for you to have these consistent habits, routines, rituals, and whatever.

So then what I like to recommend is that you have a soul led choice. And so with that sola, to me, that means. What, what is feeling good to your soul in that moment? It might not be the same every day. You might not have this structure that you like to follow, but. You tap into what feels good, right?

Then what resonates then? So when it comes to goal setting or creating habits, or just adulting, we all have things we need to do. I recommend that you make a list of the goals. You make a list of the things that you have to do for the week, for instance, and then each day when you wake up, it's like, okay, let me look at my list.

What do I wanna do today? What would feel good? What would feel. You know, the most useful thing for me today. And then pick something. Instead of being like, every day I gotta do this, this, and this, and having this, you know, a regimented schedule. So I recommended my clients choose, like, choose from their list of and create a soul led choice.

So that's one thing, but then also just What else do I wanna say about like habits and rituals? I think when you're looking at your type as well, we talked about like how some of the types have a more consistent, like physical energy versus some do not. So like the manifesting generators and generators, they have this more consistent physical energy.

So sometimes it's easier. I don't wanna say easier. Sometimes it might be better or it might feel better if it's something that they really enjoy, something that lights them up for them to keep going with it and putting that physical energy into versus with a manifesting, I'm sorry, with a manifestor projector and reflector.

We have less consistent energy. And so even if you, you know, mentally you wanna do something, maybe physically, you don't actually have the energy to do it. So I think knowing your humane design can help you tune into things like that. So, like for me, as a manifester, And my whole family is manifesting generators or people at work or generators that manifest.

I didn't know about that then, but you know, I'm trying to figure out why can't I keep up with what they're doing? Why am I, they seem like they're, they have more energy, or they're just doing more than me. Why is that? Am I lazy? I used to feel, am I lazy? And No, I'm not. It's just that I'm different. So that's what I really like to point out to people.

Like knowing your human design, it doesn't mean that you need to live by everything this chart says, cause we also have conditioning. You know, maybe you were conditioned to be really structured. That's also a possibility. But I think just having the awareness that we're all different and that needs to be a consideration and to not judge yourself or feel guilty.

I think that's one beautiful thing that human design does is just. Keeping that top of mind we're different. And it's up to you to experiment and find out what works for you. And also when I'm talking about like self-care or like rituals and habits, I think it's, it's nice, it's beautiful to be inspired with, with what is working for other people.

And you can try it out for yourself, but if it doesn't work for you, Boom, move on. Like that's cool. And find something else that it does. So, you know, and I, I'm a structured person, so I have these left facing variables, but I'm also creative and I like to go with the flow in my own way. But I'll try out different things for a while and I have a pretty solid, like morning routine.

But even then as a structured person, sometimes I find that I get bored with it and I'll just change it. I'll switch it up like, You know, right now I'm doing like a thing called six days meditation, but before that I was doing the pasta meditation and sometimes I'm just literally just sitting there, you know?

But I give myself the freedom to just try different things and switch it up when I feel like it's time, you know? So I think just not holding yourself to a certain thing allowing yourself the flexibility to slow with what feels wire feels right for you. I think that's really important. 

VL:  Yeah. I love all the things you said.

A lot of it is, it's interesting because. I mean, I do all the quizzes too. I dive into astrology, into human design, and the more you learn about yourself and even without those tools, just sitting with yourself, being with yourself, spending time alone, you really start to understand who you are and what you need.

And while your energy is like, even without the, the lingo of human design. And I pulled up my. I pulled up my body graph. So I have three right facing arrows and one left facing arrow, which I think is so funny because even though I do have, I do have structure in my life, there's no doubt about it. I mean, I have Telium and Capricorn, so there's gonna be some sort of, there's gonna be some sort of structure for the astrology listener.

But I, similar to you, am tapping into how I feel today? Or do I wanna spend that energy, the abundance of energy that I have? What's lighting me up? Where can I, you know, best serve and make the better impact or the best impact? And I think that something that human design really brought to light for me was as a manifesting generator.

I'm very multi-passionate and very multi-faceted. And I think that was a huge part of a struggle for me in business. People kept saying, you have to do one thing. You have to specialize in one thing. You have to be known for one thing. And I'm like, but I'm not that. And I felt so confused and frustrated, and lost and, and frustrated.

Okay. Frustration is like the key that you're not living your design for manifesting generations. 

 EH: And they're like, why are we laughing? 

VL:  Yeah, I know. I was like, wait, we should probably say what, what happened? But yeah, it was such a, it was so interesting to me to read that about myself and to learn those things and it really helped me.

[26:38] HD in Action in Life + Business

Take pressure off myself. And I think that's what these tools do for people is they say, Hey, it's okay that you feel a little bit like the black sheep of the family. It's okay that you feel different because you are, you are different. And that's beautiful and there is so many incredible parts to you that really shine.

And don't worry about the stuff. Like not your family maybe is all Manny gens, but you're a manifestor and that's wonderful. Right. I have a friend who's a projector and her two boys and her husband are manifesting generators, and I was like, oh wow. Good luck. How do you keep up with those three? But yeah, it's helpful not only to understand yourself, but also like you said, the people around you.

So I love that. I love that. We can look at the arrows, the variables in our chart and say, oh, yeah, I am a go with the flow person. Okay. I don't have to feel like I have to do the same thing every day in the same way, in the same order. So I really love that part of what I, I coach and I teach. Through my courses and my mentorship is that we don't actually start the day with an arbitrary habit.

I'm not someone who's like, you need to drink lemon water every morning. Listen, if you wanna drink lemon water in the morning, power to you, please do that. But if that's not for you, then don't worry about it. Instead, we are starting a day with a question, and that question is, how do I wanna feel? And perhaps your question is different.

So right now my question is, how can I bring the joy? How can I find the joy? Or how can I experience joy today? Cuz that's really what I wanna focus on. And so my word changes every day of how I wanna feel. Like I said, right now it's joy. But joy to me might mean something very different to you. And so we are both experiencing joy in our own way.

For me, it might be a cup of coffee for you, it might be a cup of tea or grounding in the earth. It's still joy, right? So, yeah. I love that. I love, it's just like embracing your differentness. You're breaking, embracing your uniqueness and human design. I love it. And creating the, the supportive rituals, routines, the habits that really make you shine and light you up and, and bring you closer to your design.

EH: That's so good. 

 Human design, it's, for me, it's all about, we're all like, we have this magic in us. You know? Like even when you might read something in your human design, that might seem like a flaw. It might seem like this is a challenge for me, but I like to look at, okay, how can I turn that around?

How can I actually work with that? You know? So to me it's all magic and we just need to kind of do a reframe on what it is. So, yeah, that's one thing that I think human design has made me look at things in a different light. 

[29:16] Taking Action to Support Your Energy (Type)

VL:  Absolutely. That's so great. I hope the listener really feels called to learn more about themselves.

I always like to inspire people to take action on the show, and I hope that, you know, it's just one part of your chart that you wanna learn about and see how you can play with that. I love it. I would love to know about your own experience in terms of what helps you stay motivated and inspired and continue to explore and create this incredible content.

As a little bit of a background, I mean, I've watched you travel through a few different countries now since I've started following you, and you just seem like you have, you're so inspired and you bring so much. Life and light. And I know you talked about being a manifester and getting downloads. How do you stay connected to that energy?

What gets you inspired and what, what helps you receive those downloads?

 Yeah. I think just. I'm here for the experiences. I'm like, I wanna experience the things like whatever, whatever it is I'm interested in at that time. Cause my interests will change. Like if you, you know, if you've known me for a while, like I've had different businesses and side hustles and it might be very different, but I'm a multi-passionate too, so I'm like, I'm just allowing myself to be led by whatever is catching my eye at the moment.

I might, as I keep exploring and just learning new things, I'm like, okay, actually now I wanna dive more into this. Let me read books about this. Let me take a class about this. But I'm here for experience and I'm here for growth, so I'm like, I just wanna be. The best version, the highest version, the highest expression of myself.

I, I know that I'm here to create. I know that I'm here to learn new things and share that with other people, and that really excites me. So I'm the kind of person that if I'm diving into this topic and I know somebody who's also interested, I'm like, Ooh, did you see this? And I'm sending them these books and I'm sending them all these.

Things that I'm learning. Cause I get really excited. Like I get energized by learning. Cause I'm a very curious person. So, and I think also my travels helped me with that too, because you know, you're in different places and you're exposed to culture, you're meeting different people along the way. So all of that just fuels my curiosity and just really keeps me going and, You know, one thing about like social media and I try to do be a balance of both, but a lot of times people can seem so, oh, they're so high vibe.

They're so this, and you know, it creates this perception of like, This person has it together, they're happy, they're living their life, and it's so joyful. But that's not always the case. So me being an emotional person, I try to share both. Like, you know, this is what's ha what's happening. This is, you know, what I'm doing right now, or this happened, oh my goodness, but this is how I'm gonna deal with it.

So I do try to share what I'm learning on both sides, like the happy sides and then also the challenging sides too. 

[32:14] Connect with Elle

VL:  Perfect. So good. It's so nice. It's so nice to follow you. On that note, where can we find you? Where can we follow you? How can we support your business? 

EH:  So you can find me @ElleUndefined on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube.

I tried to be consistent there so people can find me with ease. And so what I'm offering right now are human design readings and it's called Illuminate the Muse. And that's to me, we're all the mus of our own lives. So, You are here to become the c e o of your own life. You are here to own it, to own your gifts.

And with my human design readings, I like to look at what is the magic that's in you? You know, all of these different layers of a human design. I try to break it down in the most easiest, applicable way that I can. So yeah, I'm all, I'm all about empowering people with human design. Like I don't want it to feel like.

A label or this is something that you have to do. Because if I have a client, they read something and they're like, oh, I don't know if that really, that'll, that doesn't feel like me. And I'm like, okay. You know, it doesn't have to, it might feel more relevant to you later. Maybe as you continue experimenting with it, then something will make sense.

But I like to give the information and we talk about like how you can integrate it into your life. So that's the illuminate, the muse reading. But I do have a coaching program that will be coming out soon that's helping people tap more into that and just becoming the muse of your own life. That has been like my word for the past year, because.

For me, him design really also opened me up and. I guess knowing the way that I'm different and what that magic is, I became even more confident in who I am. And now I'm like, you know what? Oh, you're doing that. Yeah. That doesn't, that's not who I am. I don't have to do that. And I feel like I know who I am and so I wanna help people, you know, help women also get that same level of confidence and tapping into that means within.

So that's on the horizon. And yeah, so connect with me @elleundefined. Online website, all of that. 

VL:  Amazing. I will link to all of that in the show notes page. Again, it's at valerie levine life.com/elle. I'm very excited. I'm gonna go browse your offerings and we do have one more final round of the show.

[34:33] Rapid Fire Round

It's called our Rapid fire round. Are you ready? Oh yeah, you're like Uhhuh. I guess I better read. Okay, question number one is what are you currently reading or what is your favorite book? Oh my gosh. Gosh. 

EH:  I'm reading so, so many things. I'm the kind of person that is probably reading at least five books at a time.

But let me see. Which one do I want to choose? I am finishing up. The Mountain is You. So that one's all about the ways that we self-sabotage ourselves. So far it's been a really great book. And then also reading another book about how to heal ourselves with apple cider vinegar. So I, yeah, it's a range of books.

I'm really into just wellbeing in all aspects. So how can I be my best self mentally, but also physically too? 

VL:  love that. I'm gonna have to link those five books at the same time. Are you sure you're not a manifesting generator? 

EH:  Well, if someone said Your chart is wrong, I would be like, Hmm. It's possible.

I'm kidding. No, but yeah, us manifestors are also like, be creative. We're not, maybe not as multi-passionate as the the managing, but yeah, we haven't touched that too. 

VL:  I love it. Question two is, what does empowerment mean to you? 

 EH: Empowerment means just the belief that you can do, you have the capacity that you're able.

So when we empower other people, we are pouring into them, you know, and giving them, helping them have that belief for themselves. But then we can also empower ourselves. So that's really what my brand is about, is self-empowerment. Cuz I think when we put too much. When we give outsiders or external factors, too much authority in our lives and our decisions, then we're taking our power away and giving it to them.

It's in their hands. So I think self-empowerment is very important cuz when you are self-empowered, then every person that you come into contact with, every situation, it's you. You, you're able to come in with a sense of ownership and this belief that you are able no matter what, even if there's a challenge.

But I think it's really important to focus on self-empowerment. 

VL:  Love that answer. Question number three is, what is your longest standing habit? Hmm. 

 Longest standing. Journaling is definitely one, one of them. So I started journaling in 2018 when I had my first solo trip to Bali. A, a client at the time, she said you should take a journal.

Cuz you know you're not gonna remember all the experiences you're having and I'm like, I don't do it a journal like what? But I, I bought a journal anyway and I didn't think I was going to use it, but it was my first solo trip and it was for six weeks and I was so excited. And I'm always kind of like that, where I'm brave when I'm about to do something and then it doesn't hit me what I've done until it's, it's Google time and it's actually happening.

So I arrived there and that very first day that I woke up, I was like, oh my gosh. Who takes their first solo trip across the world for six weeks. And I was having this moment of like freaking out, like, oh my gosh, like what am I doing here? And so I pulled out that journal and started, started just writing out like I.

All of the feelings, all the thoughts that were coming up. And I realized that it really helped me to make sense of what was happening. And I've been journaling ever since then. So 2018. And then the next one will be meditation. Those two, I need those in order for me to, you know, keep, keep myself sane pretty much.

 Yeah. Those are great. And the last question is, what are you currently working towards?

 So I'm working toward being a full-time expat. So I've been dabbling over the past couple years, but at the end of 2022, I moved out of my LA apartment and now I'm again living in a suitcase. But now just getting all of the things in place to be fully abroad that's something that I'm working toward right now.

VL:  Ooh. I'm so excited for you. I love this journey for you. I love this conversation. Thank you so much for being all on the podcast today. It has been a pleasure talking to you. I'm sure I'm gonna stumble upon a human design post that I'm gonna have to send to you in the near future. And I just really wanna say that I, I do really love following you truly.

And I think that what you share and what you embody and how you practice what you preach, it's, it's so powerful, it's so meaningful. And I, I hope I don't just speak for myself, but the other people that follow you, you really light up my screen when I see you and I always learn something. So thank you so much for everything that you do.

EH:  Thank you so much, and thank you so much for inviting me to have this conversation. It's been great. I can talk about Himes design all day, so it's nice to be invited to actually share it, so thank you.


Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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