E160: Best of 2021/Holiday Party


E160: Best of 2021/Holiday Party

Counting down the top five episodes of the Women’s Empowerment Podcast in 2021 and festive bonuses and more!…

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Hello and welcome back to another Holiday Party/Best of episode of the Women’s Empowerment Podcast! I am your host and healthy habit mentor Valerie LaVigne and today we’re counting down the top 5 episodes of 2021!

If you’ve never listened to a holiday party episode before, I sprinkled in some little festive recipes and things between our episode countdowns andddd without giving too much away, we do have some special guests returning to the show to help me with the countdown. 

Past Holiday Party Episodes:

Episode 109: 2020

Episode 59: 2019

Now there are some traditions for the show and the first is that we do a *cheers* to 2021! Today I’m drinking a delicious recipe I found on a blog I love. The drink is called Holiday Cheermeister Bourbon Punch by Half Baked Harvest.

Holiday Cheermeister Bourbon Punch

Wherever you are, and with whatever you’re drinking, please join me in raising a glass celebrating a year that was without a doubt one we will remember. In some ways it feels like this year just started, and in other ways I thought it would never come to an end. Needless to say there is so much to be thankful for. For myself, this year had some really high-highs, and some really low-lows. Producing this podcast was a huge part of my health and wellbeing this year because it gave me purpose. Extra special shout out to all the listeners, you’ve meant more to me than words could ever express.If you’re listening to this episode I want to send you all the love, health, happiness, and joy for the end of 2021, into 2022, and beyond!


Our fifth most popular episode this year was

[3:09] [5] Episode 121: How to Ask Powerful Yes or No Questions (Tara)

Tara and I did not know each other before connecting through this podcast, and although we haven’t met in real life yet, I will say I have grown a deep connection with her through following her online and working with her in her Clarity Sessions, Akashic Records Readings, and Energy Clearings. She is a very wonderful human with amazing talents. 

In this episode Tara introduces us to many different systems for self-understanding and exploration, including a pendulum and the akashic records. Tara and I also did a live reading together on Instagram and I’ve linked the replay to this video on the show notes page.

Today, Tara is sharing 5 Yes or No Questions we can ask ourselves to help us with our 2022 goal setting!

Hi, I'm Tara McCrory, a clarity coach and certified energy practitioner. I help people connect the dots the seen and unseen through connecting to their intuition and yes no questions. Here are five yes no questions to ask yourself about goal setting.

Once you’ve written out your goals, ask are these goals in alignment with my values? 

Assessing if your goals are in alignment with your values by asking these powerful yes no questions really helps you determine from the get go. If this is aligned with your soul's path and soul's mission, think of your values as your intuitive GPS system and aligning your goal to that will help you stay clear and on topic and allow yourself to achieve this goal. 

Number two, are these goals 100% Clear? 

This question helps you determine if there are any aspects that are unclear about your manifestation. For example, people may say I want to get more money, I want to make more money. Well, the universe is very literal. and 10 cents is more money. So if you check, are these goals 100% clear and you get no chances if it's too vague. It's too vague and the universe is too literal and you may just get a duck. So, Hot Tip, go in, make it clear. 

Number three are these goals actionable?

Sometimes, within our conscious mind, we have these amazing pie in the sky visions which are phenomenal, except they can overwhelm us in the moment. So asking if this is actionable, and aligning it to something that is actionable, helps us release the overwhelming.

Is there something I need to revisit?

This is always a good question to ask about any of your goals or visions or intentions for example, anytime that you're manifesting, because if you get it yes, it could be your values. may have changed and then needs to be aligned.

Perhaps you've made a different decision or you've come to a new found awareness. And that just means that you are given this amazing opportunity to go and realign your goals to your new vision.

Last question is is there any aspect of me that believes me unworthy of achieving these goals?

That really helps you determine where you maybe need to do your inner work, where perhaps there's the mindset work to be done, if you will shadow to be integrated? It just gives you an opportunity to realize where perhaps there is a little bit more energy that needs to be focused.

Having the answers to these questions really simply empowers you to move forward in a way that is aligned and that may feel good for you. So if these work for you, feel free to redirect these questions for each of your goals by changing the bar these two are to. And if you found this helpful, please feel free to download my free guide 50 yes no questions for love, money and manifestation, perfect to get you a line in action for 2022.

Of course if you're interested in staying in touch and connected please you can find me at tarabmccrory.com or on Instagram at @tara_mccrory

Looking forward to connecting with you all, and all the best for 2022.

> Thank you so much Tara! Definitely going to revisit these questions for when I write out my goals for the new year! 

Before we get into our fourth most popular episode of 2021, I wanted to share the diffuser blend I am currently… diffusing.  It’s technically not a “festive” blend but it is lovely and very easy. It’s called “Confidence” Diffuser Blend Recipe:
3 Black Spruce
3 Eucalyptus 

These are some wonderful grounding and expansive oils. This I also think would make a great epsom salt bath mix… oooo I will try this later hahaha

The fourth most downloaded episode this year was titled

[9:13] [4] E111: Create Habits Based on Core Values (Deanna)

This episode came out early this year and similar to Tara, I had not met Deanna before the podcast. I loved recording this episode with Deanna. She is a great speaker, and made some very helpful points and shared wonderful exercises during this episode. 

Unfortunately I couldn’t connect with her to have her guest appear on the show today. So in celebration of this episode I would love to share with you an old habit that is no longer part of my core values that I am letting go of, as well as a new habit that aligns with my core values that I am going to work on for the new year.

As I share mine with you, I would encourage you to consider your core values and relisten to this episode with Deanna to create your own new value-aligned habits.

Lately I’ve been diving into learning more about Human Design. This is a system that is similar in a sense to Astrology in the way that it uses the time and location of your birth to determine your body graph or your design. As I’ve been learning more about how to interpret this graph or chart, I’ve been simultaneously learning more about myself. One of the key parts of this system is something called Authority and it’s used to help us make decisions. 

So how does all of this tie into my core values? Well, I noticed that I’ve been saying “yes” to a lot of invitations mostly because I struggle with FOMO (fear of missing out). I don’t necessarily want to go to the event but I also don’t want to miss something. Usually if I accept an invitation I didn’t really want to go to in the first place I find myself frustrated or resentful or energetically drained. 

One of my core values this year is to trust my sacral authority and I am specifically experimenting with this in decision making. So this is kind of a double habit of letting go of quickly responding to invitations and instead noticing how this invitation feels in my gut, or perhaps the sound I make when I receive the invitation. And if it’s not a “hell yes!” then it’s going to be a no from me.

And without trying to segway this into our third most downloaded episode of 2021, this connection to myself brings us to

[12:13] [3] E140: 10 Ways to Show Up for Yourself (me)

This episode is one of my solo shows, and I am going to toot my own horn for this one because dang, revisiting this episode was exactly the reminder I needed going into the new year. If you haven’t listened to this episode yet, I recommend it! And if you’ve already listened to it… listen to it again, you’ll be glad you did. 

Plus it’s only 15 minutes long so it's nice and quick for a great mood boost! Here are the 10 ways to show up for yourself in short:

1: Commit to Habits, Practices, Routines, and Rituals that support your health and well-being, even when you don’t feel like it

2: Learn to Forgive Yourself

3: Allow Yourself to Feel ALL the Feels, Judgement-Free!

4: Listening to What You Need

5: Allow Yourself to Start Over

6: Remind Yourself that You Are Worthy

7: Prioritize Your Health

8: Give Yourself Permission to Rest

9: Spend Quality Time with You!

10: Invite Curiosity and Compassion into Everything You Do

As a bonus I will add Build Trust with Yourself 

Reading these again gave me the idea to commit to one of these every week for the next 10 weeks. Maybe writing it on a sticky-note or putting it into my calendar. Watch how the energetic shift in our lives happens when we commit to ourselves in these ways. AND how powerful do you think it would be if we stacked these habits each week! 

I’m getting that excited gut feeling! 

Our second most downloaded episode of 2021 is 

[14:22] [2] E116: Taking Aligned Action to Manifest Success featuring Cheryl Sutherland

Cheryl is motivating, captivating and shares lots of inspirational wisdom in this episode. We also did a live on instagram and talked about creating affirmations for entrepreneurs. 

Today, Cheryl is sharing a beautiful journaling exercise with us…

I know that most people wouldn't do well, not most people, a lot of people millennials, when they think of pivot, they think of ros, unfriend zero trying to get some sort of try to get a couch to fit. It's just not fitting. And so especially in the last couple of months, like there's been a lot of weird energy, a lot of resistance, a lot of frustration and the root of a lot of it is that it's time to do something different. But because the last couple years I've been kind of difficult, a lot of things have been tossed up in the air. It can feel really, really dangerous, really unsafe to actually transition from one thing to the next. Even though you know that thing is calling you and where you are right now does not feel good. It doesn't feel in alignment. It doesn't feel like you're even you know, like your happiest or your brightest or you're able to give the most that you're able to give the you're able to really walk in that power that you're here to do. And so with that one of the things that I ask of you is not to be brave, but to be honest with yourself, is this working for you? And if in a year you were in the exact same place, how would you feel about that? Does that make sense for you? Does it break your heart and if it does, then it's time to do something new. So today, I would love to go over a delicious journaling exercise that I even recently did as I am also doing this transition slash pivot Mac deeper into my speaking career, which is ultimately where I should have been really focusing on the last three years. But again.

​​So with that, one thing that I want to say before I get into the exercise, is that things don't have to be bad for them to not be right. So I think oftentimes, I know for myself, I have a very high pain threshold and combined with being a people pleaser. I'm really good at denying the things that I want and pushing them off like not listening to the signs don't listening to my intuition and thinking I just need to work a little bit harder. And with that, that's great in circumcircle certain circumstances but not if you're not operating in alignment. So just check in with yourself. How is your body doing whenever you're thinking about this thing, whether it be a relationship or a job or your career? How was your breath oftentimes you'll notice you are taking very short, anxious breath deep, wholehearted breath. When was the last time that you laughed when you were doing that thing that felt a little sticky or still feels a little sticky? Like when is it when was the last time it really brought you joy and what are you willing to give up in order to feel that joy again? And oftentimes we attach ourselves to this thing we're like, This is who I am. This is what I said I committed to and I need to do this in order to before I can move on to the next thing and I'm here to give you permission to let that go. If it's not serving you right now it's because it already served you and it ran its course. And now it's time for you to move on like the littlest hobo on to the next thing and for my Canadians, y'all know what I'm talking about. So yeah, I mean, there's so much wisdom in all of the things that you're saying right?

And the fun thing is when we allow these things to transition out of our lives then that we're actually creating room for the good things to happen or more greatest if we ever knew and it doesn't necessarily have to come from us. It could be something delicious at the university, right? However, we are not able to receive those things if we're occupying ourselves with nothing. So I would like to invite you to grab a piece of paper and grab a pen for this exercise. When I first did it, it probably took me about 20 minutes and a half an hour. And I just want to make sure that you are in a space that is quiet, that you feel safe. That is aesthetically pleasing. If you can and that you're comfortable and warm and perhaps like you know light a nice Bath and Bodyworks candle or something. But the whole purpose of this is just to kind of recontextualize some of the things that you have gone through and what your life really looks like. Now during this exercise I am going to ask you to tell a story but this story is in fact the story of you. So you are going to go through chunks of time and then third person, talk about yourself. However, instead of focusing on the negative things or the difficult things or things that have held you back, you are going to see yourself the way that your best friend has seen you and like they're talking about you in an interview. So for example, during the ages of 16 to 21 I was very, I was very loving. I just love to take care of people like I actually got multiple jobs and customer service because I just love figuring out what people liked and were able to give to them during that time. Yes, there were difficult things that happened either with school, a falling out with the best friend, all these different things. And instead of writing the story of like, yeah, I ended up being robbed at this age and like this person betrayed my trust. The story that I decided to tell was one of who I aspire to be and who I truly am. Now, this actual process allows you to steep yourself into the fact that you're abundant. That you are capable, that you are powerful and that you over time that you've been showing and this is proof that you've been showing up in such an amazing way and that you are back to that amazing person. That you are worthy of all the great things and that you can do all the hard things as well. So through this exercise, I would invite you to chunk down your life. Usually I would like to do between the time of birth to age 10 And then of course 11 to 16 and then we're gonna go forward in five increments of five years to where you're at right now and then add on an additional five years. So for example, I am 35 at the present moment , so I was able to write where I was from the ages of 28 to 33. And then you know 34 forwards. So by the time you get up to the part where you're at right now and what you want to create, you have this feeling of oh, wait a second, anything is possible. I can do all these things. I deserve all these things. Look what I've created in the past. I'm such a kind of caring, loving person. And based on the help I've always been taking care of. I've always achieved the goals that I want to. So who am I to tell myself that I'm not able to do what I want to do moving forward? Why would I lie to myself like that?

That just doesn't make sense. So as you go through and do this exercise again, take the time to elaborate in as much detail as you would like. However, notice if there's a time where you want to talk about something, you know, that's really difficult for myself. One of the things that came up was my father's passing. He left or transitioned. I guess he's still here. Honestly, he's been stalking me the last couple days so it's magical.

When I was 22 years old and instead feeling like I had my world crashed down and like this person was supposed to be here to walk me down the aisle and tell me how to be in proper relationships and value myself. So I didn't get trampled on by all these stupid men. Instead of all of that I was like, no matter what some I was able to practice holding space for my family. I was able to practice being really brave and really proud of how I handled everything, and how I was willing to seek out help, how I was willing to cry. But then I think that if he was looking at me during that time as well, he'd be very proud of how I was able to just continue to grow and move forward, etc, etc. So, again, I'm not asking you to do any sort of spiritual bypassing or toxic positivity. You're just seeing the bright side of things, and the powerful side of things because this is in fact who you are. So with that, that is going to support you with your picket. That's not only good for you and your family, but it's also going to support you with seeing yourself the way that the people that care about you see you, the people that admire you see you. And hopefully, the way that you will choose to see yourself moving forward as well.

Cheryl also has a wonderful online course called

Create Clarity in Your Calling Bundle

This course helps you to release doubt and create new habits of thoughts so you can feel powerful and rock-solid as you grow a business you love, and live the amazing, magnificent, delicious life that you desire. She has also given the listener’s of the show 15% off with the PROMO CODE VALERIE15

[24:55] Time Capsule Questions

The very first year I did the countdown I asked and answered 21 time capsule questions. My intention for these was to answer them each year, and then last year I decided that they weren’t beneficial to the show. So I’ve actually changed my mind for this and what I’ve decided to do is ask you/say the questions here on the episode, but include my answers in the show notes page so you don’t have to hear me blabber on about them. 

The reason I’m bringing the questions back is because I find it really wonderful to look back and read what we’ve written in journals and I personally don’t journal that often so this encourages me to do it at least once a year. 

The questions are basic and fun to answer personally, and can also be customized to you! Without further ado, here are the 21 questions to ask yourself:

1. What's the first thing you thought of this morning?

It was very early so I was thinking about how I wanted to sleep for 15 more minutes and snuggle a little longer.

2. What's the first thing on your to do list?

Wrap up the podcasts for 2021 and then packing for our trip to England

3. What's something that you feel like should be on your to do list, but isn't?

Honestly, nothing. Everything is exactly as it should be and everything will get done in its own timing.

4. What song are you loving right now?

Fancy by Lennon Stella, or really anything by Lennon Stella

5. What's your favourite essential oil?

Living for Black Spruce

6. When you started the Women's Empowerment Show, did you think you'd be where you are today, two years later?

Don’t get me wrong, I am VERY happy with the organic growth of the show, however I know I can push myself out of my comfort zone more with this podcast. And this will be a huge part of 2022 for me, as well as speaking on other people’s podcasts and really growing the community.

7. What's the best advice you received this year?

Mistakes do not define us, it’s how we move on from them that does.

8. What's the biggest lesson you learned? 

Never give up; your daily habits are doing more than you realize.

9. Where do you get your inspiration from?

Lately I’ve been really enjoying trying new recipes, and feel inspired when I’m working with my hands. I also find that I am very inspired by my houseplants and watching them grow and nurturing them.

10. When is the best time for your creative process?

Usually during a workout I feel inspired or motivated to take action. I feel like this is because I’m moving energy around and I’ve usually been awake for a little while and I’ve also had breakfast.

11. Who do you get your inspiration from/who do you find inspiring? 

I’ve been fascinated by Human Design so anyone who is teaching/sharing about this. From podcasts to pinterest boards, and everything in between I love it so much!

12. Tell us about your current routines… 

Depending on the day I wake up, eat breakfast, workout, and then put on a really fun outfit that makes me feel amazing in my body. Then I get shit done and work from home.

On days that I’m at the studio I wake up at 5:30am, pack up my lunch bag, make a coffee, put on some eye gels that have been in the fridge so they are nice and cooling. Then I teach all day.

In the evenings I do my french lesson on Duolingo, brush + floss my teeth and do a brain dump on my notes app before giving Craig a kiss and going to bed.

13. What 3 things should everyone have in their carry-on luggage? 

Peppermint Beadlets (doterra link)

On Guard Sanitizing wipes (doterra link)

Notebook + pen

14. What was the last thing that made you cry? 

Oh gosh this movie with Sandra Bullock had me sobbing: The Unforgivable. I have no idea what came over me, I was just so upset at the end, I had to blow my nose, I was crying so hard.

15. What do you want to be remembered for? 

Empowering women to put themselves first on their love list; to make themselves a priority and do the things that bring them joy (guilt-free)

16. What's the best gift you've given, that doesn't cost money?

Well… let me tell you! I wrote a letter from my 20 year-old-self and opened it for my 30th birthday this year and oh my goodness that was the most incredible/surreal experience and it was by far the best gift I’ve given/received.

17. What is a tradition you love, or started when you were a kid?

Sleeping cloud is my favourite thing: When you’re lying in bed and someone billows the covers over you.

18. What do you do to combat holiday stress + chaos?

Alone time. Extra doses of fave self-care. Turning off my phone at a certain time. Not checking email in the morning.

19. Favourite quote + why?

“Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence.” - Alan Watts

Because this was a really tough year and I made a point of being very present and feeling all my feels and showing up and as intense as this is going to sound, it really saved my life this year.

20. Biggest highlight of 2021?

Craig and mine’s trip to Banff, and now going to meet Craig’s family in England for the holidays.

21. What do you want to tell your future self, one year from now?

I’m proud of you for taking risks, getting out of your comfort zone, and sharing your story with the world. You are an inspiration to your community and I know it took a lot of courage to get out there, but you did it! The strength you were searching for was within you this whole time.

Our final episode in the countdown, and the most downloaded show of 2021 was

[27:47] [1] E133: Elevating Your Morning Routine Alexandra Panagoulia of Batch Beauty Lab

This was one of my favourite conversations because both Alexandra and I really connected the last couple years through the Make Lemonade online community and also through our similar daily routines. I love talking about other people’s rituals and habits and learning from the things that bring them joy, and seeing how that might play out in my own routine, and I feel like that’s how most of the listeners felt with this episode also.

Today I have a mini conversation with Alexandra and I that we pre-recorded. It’s a bit of a then, now, and what to expect for 2022. Let’s have a listen…

VL: What is your current morning routine and how has this changed since our last episode in the summer?

AP: I’m really consistent with my daily walks, I think it's just like a perfect way to set my day. I will say something that's the change. I take in my journaling that I've done usually in the morning and now I'm into more of a routine, and I did you know, always been consistent with journaling in the evening but I think that right now, as the seasons change, it's just giving me some really great time to wind down to give a lot of thought to my day and how I want to prepare for the next day. So, you know, moving into 2022 Something that I really want to do is be consistent with my wakeup time. So I think being able to wind down a little earlier and adding a few more rituals into my winding down routine will help facilitate me being able to incorporate something new into my morning routine into the year that's so great.

VL: I'm really glad that you said that because I teach a mini training that's all about morning routines, and they also teach one that's all about evening routines and they tell people like the secret to your morning routine is a really great evening routine and they really complement each other this way. So which kind of was gonna lead me into my next question, which is will you be incorporating anything new for 2022? Can you speak to those rituals a little bit and maybe how we can also incorporate something new into our new year?

AP: Yeah, so I've been giving it some thought and I've been trying it a little bit i i had to wake up a little earlier. Something that I've been doing is I've been putting my alarm clock just literally on the other side of my room so that when it is off I'm having to actually wake up and turn it off. And I know that that is not revolutionary at all, but it works. There are some mornings where I walk back to my bed and I and I go back into bed, like five more minutes. But the reality is, you know, that's not always the best way to start off your day and you're going back to bed and kind of like reverse it's like reverse what you're what you're trying to accomplish. So yeah, I think you know, I'm gonna continue doing that and, and I know a lot of people may struggle waking up early in the mornings, but I think to your point what you just said it's all about how you're incorporating something new into your evening routine. so that's going to be winding down, minimal screen time in the evening. journaling, like I mentioned, and I find that ratings really have been helping me as well.

VL:I keep putting my books beside my bed and I keep telling myself I'm going to read every night and it just doesn't work for me like I'm not an evening reader because I fall right asleep so I think it's a great way to fall asleep for myself personally.

But I definitely need to like that resort. I think he gave some really great tips for the art eating routine and kind of finding what works best for you and just trying different things. I feel like this is where people, you know, they try so hard to create a new habit and they're like, oh, I need to think of reinventing the wheel and I need to be completely different. And really, it actually is like the simplest things and maybe it was something that worked for you in the past or maybe it's something that you know, you've heard of you just haven't tried yourself. So I definitely agree that even though it's not revolutionary, it can work and still can work.

AP: Yeah and it is a tip on incorporating something new into your morning or evening routine if you have an existing routine Great. Follow through with it and maybe you know, make some changes based on how you're feeling in the present moment or in that time of your life. Let's just say in that season. So I know in the summer it's easier for me to wake up early as I love to go for early morning walks in the summer when it's a bit cooler in the winter. It's a little bit more of a challenge. So that's where I find I like incorporating better bedtime routines. probably I can make up a little earlier.

But I think the tip is is even if you're starting new and you don't have any rituals right now, introduce one one ritual that, you know, feels really good to you. So whether it's stretching when you get out of bed or going for a walk or journaling first thing I think the power of just incorporating something that is just for yourself is beneficial. That doesn't necessarily need to be a power list of 10 things.

Well there you have it. The top 5 episodes of 2021, with some of the amazing guests we’ve had on the show. Plus a festive beverage recipe, delightful diffuser blend, and 21 questions to ask yourself each year as a fun tradition to look back on for years to come.

Now technically we do have one more episode for 2021… which comes out Wednesday, until then join me on Instagram @vallavignelife


Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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