E208: New Moon, New Beginnings (The Revival)


E208: New Moon, New Beginnings (The Revival)

New moons mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. With a new moon there is a sense of restart, refresh, turning over a new leaf, and intention setting. Whether you’re listening to this episode the day it comes out, or around the time of a different new moon, my intention is that it sparks inventive ways for you to grow!

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[00:52] Well hello there, and happy NEW MOON! Today’s new moon is in the adventurous, wise, aspiring, excessive, extravagant sign of SAGITTARIUS! 

That means that we can access the traits and themes of Sagittarius during this moon. If you’re listening to this episode during a different new moon, you can google what sign your new moon is in, and those will be the themes of this timing for you!

If you’re new to the show, welcome! And also, disclaimer, this is not an astrology podcast BUT I do love and am very interested in astrology and I follow the planets, especially the moon, every week. It’s more of an interest and hobby of mine that I sometimes take a step further. 

By that I mean I’ll host a workshop or a gathering around certain powerful transits or moon phases, or I’ll begin new projects around new moons. In fact, this very podcast was launched on a new moon in Scorpio four years ago.

YEP! Episode one of the Women’s Empowerment Podcast started as a live show on Instagram and Facebook. I took the audio of the videos I recorded live, and I added some intro and outro music and made them podcast episodes.

And let me rewind a little more, before there was a podcast, there was a blog called the Women’s Empowerment Blog. Blogs were fading out a bit and I wanted the content to reach more people, so I transitioned the blog to a weekly podcast and video series!

You can still watch the very first episode of the Women’s Empowerment Podcast on Youtube (fair warning the quality isn’t great).

[02:50]I thought it ceremonious to go back and revisit the intentions that I set for the podcast by rewatching the very first episode. 

I thought it would be more cringe than it was. I’m actually really proud of this past version of myself. I remember her so well, and while I was watching I wanted to give her a really big hug and share so much pride and joy with her. 

Even though I was nervous then, I did a really great job. I was clear and concise. I’m truly grateful that this version of me was brave enough to take this leap and it’s inspiring me to take more leaps with the podcast as it continues to grow!

Speaking of growth… The podcast’s organic downloads are sitting JUST below 90,000 downloads! This is insane for me. I cannot believe it! Past Valerie wouldn’t believe it either hahaha

So excited and so very grateful, thank you so much! Your downloads, sharing with friends, writing reviews – they are HUGE ways to support the show for free and they mean the world to me!

If you feel called to leave a review, please do so on Apple Podcasts.

When I started this podcast I was worried about staying consistent and keeping up with the content. Taking this big leap for myself and my business meant developing new systems, routines, and habits to keep me on track with the show. 

Over the years I’ve really discovered and experienced the incredible power of positive habits, and I attribute my growth and success with these systems and rituals. 

If you’re looking for growth and success in your own life and business – and if you’re listening to this episode than I know that you are – then you’ll want to grab my free Build Better Habits Guide to bring you closer to the best version of yourself, and make a greater impact on the world around you.

Grab your guide at http://valerielavignelife.com/habits !

[05:12] Alright let’s talk about the goodness of the magic of the moon! There are eight major moon cycles, and we work with each part of the cycle a little differently. The moon completes a full cycle every 28-30ish days.


The first part of the moon phase is all about intention setting, and new beginnings. During this phase of the moon, there is no moonlight in the sky, so the stars are the brightest.

This moon connects to the energy of winter with qualities of darkness and coolness. In this phase we’re most connected to the dream realm and called to go inward. We might feel more intuitive or possibly psychic during this moon phase. 

You might feel less social during this time, and instead you want to stay home and envision the life you are creating, or intentions you want to set.

This is a time of reflection, time to ground our bodies, and calm our minds to make us better at deciding which seeds of intention we would like to plant for the month ahead.

With today being the new moon, consider how you can take some time to slow down, be still, and connect deeply with yourself and your intuition. I’m going to share a new moon ritual with you later in this episode. 


The second phase in our moon cycle is the Waxing Crescent Moon. In this phase, we continue with the energy of winter, and we start to see a little more moonlight in the sky. We also continue to connect to our intention and what this intention truly means for us.

We imagine what the intention is, why this intention is important, and how it might manifest and take shape. Although we don’t always know the how of our manifesting and goal-setting journey, we can dream up possibilities while leaving room for magic and surprises to unfold.


Next we have the First Quarter Moon. This is still part of the waxing phase, meaning more moonlight illuminating the night sky in this phase. 

Now we move into the “spring” season/energy and we can start to take action toward our manifestation. This phase, as well as springtime, is associated with a time of expansion. We can focus on strength, regeneration, resiliency, structure and stability. 

This phase invites us to replenish our immunity, vitality, and sensuality. 


The fourth moon phase is called the Waxing Gibbous Moon. This is a time to truly trust in the intention and also in the process. We can allow ourselves to open up to the potency of the waxing phase and start to come alive.

With this awakening we may feel moved, inspired, motivated to take actions toward our intentions and manifestations.

All the while grounding ourselves through our supportive routines, nourishing self-care, and revitalization of our being.

You feel this energy building between the new and full moon phases, just as the moon begins to fill, the energy also increases.

[09:00] FULL MOON

The fifth phase of our moon cycle is the famous Full Moon. Most people know or have heard about the full moon, and can spot it when they see it in the sky! During this phase our intention is manifesting OR our intention is releasing. If it’s the latter, we must accept that this may not be the right time for this, and something better may be coming!

The essence of the full moon resonates most with the summer season. This is a time of transformation, courage, inspired passion, and willpower. 

The moon is at its brightest and we may feel charismatic, mentally clear and sharp, and excited to socialize with the world around us. Take the time to interact with the world around you, using your outward expression, and RSVP to invitations and gatherings. Indulge in life’s blessings, connections, and relationships.

With this surge of energy we can feel activated to take action, or make great leaps.We are energized to move. Take the time to be present in your body and your movements will lead you to inspired action; the right action best suited to make your dreams realities. 


Our sixth moon phase is the Waning Gibbous moon. As we enter the waning phase, we enter into the essence or energy of fall/autumn. Here we can focus on gratitude for our intention. Just like the time of harvest, and how the leaves begin to fall from the trees, we collect our intentions, our abundance, our gifts, and watch as the moonlight fades. 

We begin our ritual of unwinding and reflecting by giving thanks to what was given to us, what we needed to fuel and nourish ourselves.


We continue the waning phase with the Third Quarter Moon. This is where we’re releasing what we no longer need and giving back from a place of abundance.

Since the fall season is a time for us to surrender and let go, we can use this to prepare for our next New Moon phase.

Our worlds and ourselves are ever-changing, evolving, transforming. With new things coming in, we have to let go of the past, or what no longer serves us. This is the work and magic of this waning phase: to show us what we no longer need and help us to release it.

This might bring up emotions, and with patience and kindness we can create space energetically and emotionally to flow through these feelings.

It’s time to let go of expectations or anything we’re gripping onto, making space to invite the new, and call in what we need.


Our last phase is the final part of our waning cycle: the Waning Crescent Moon. With just a sliver of the moon left in the sky, it’s time for us to rest, reflect, and restore before the next cycle. 

Circling back to gratitude and welcoming new possibilities and opportunities into our lives. Remember that what we are grateful for, we attract more of!

This is the final part of the detoxification of the waning phase of the moon, potentially uncomfortable, yet necessary for the growth and expansion we wish to call in. You can begin to think of your new intentions for the next 28-day lunar phase, this time having learned and discovered more.


You can practice this new moon ritual on or around the day of the new moon.

You will need: 

  • Your new moon altars. (depending on which new moon you are in, look for flowers, stones, herbs, incense, foods, and/or symbols that represent the sign the moon is in – google can help you!)

  • A candle or incense

  • A glass of water that you will drink

To prepare for this ritual, cleanse your body with a mindful new moon bath or shower. If you are short on time, you can wash your hands and brush your teeth instead.

Next, tidy up your ritual space and mindfully set up your altar with the highest good/intention in mind. This process is not to be rushed, but enjoyed.

Once your altar is prepared, light your candle and incense. Sit in front of the altar and take a few mindful breaths, practice breath-work (I recommend Nadi Shodhana aka Alternate Nostril Breathing for the Fall New Moon), or listen to a guided meditation.

Get clear on an intention (or a few) that you have for the next one, six months, and/or twelve months (one month for a lunar cycle, six months for the next Full Moon in the same sign as this new moon, and twelve months of a complete lunar cycle of the same sign).

  • What seeds are you planting?

  • How do you want to show up for this intention?

  • What are you committed to bringing to this goal?

You can then turn your intention into an affirmation or “I AM” statement. Keep this positive and in the present tense. It doesn’t have to start with “I am” but if affirmations are new to you, this is a great starting point.

Once you have your affirmation, hold your glass of water and speak your intention into the water three times. 

Drink the water knowing that you are absorbing the message.

When you feel ready, blow out your candle. The ritual is now complete.

As the days go by, notice and track any experiences, feelings, or thoughts that come up that are related to your intention. You can continue to speak your affirmation into the water you are drinking throughout the month. 


As part of your ritual you can also do some journaling. I have this lovely book called Moon Bath that has the most luxurious bath rituals and recipes for different moon phases. 

These journal prompts are from that book for the New Moon in the Fall Season. We’re technically nearing the end of fall when this podcast launches.

Courtesy of “Moon Bath” Book

What was the intention or goal I set for myself this year?

What benefits am I now enjoying from this intention or goal?

What can I do to maintain my energy while my ideas come to life?

What kind of support do I need from my community to sustain my momentum?

I want to make one small and final note about new moons and rituals around new moons. If the new – or full moon for that matter – is during an eclipse, it’s best to avoid any rituals during these times. Usually during eclipses we want to relax, lay low, and let the planets do their thing. Maybe we brace ourselves for hiccups or unexpected emotions or changes. Again, a quick google search or a chat with your local astrologer can help you figure out what moon you’re in and what tools might be most helpful for your current moon phase!

If you feel called to share your new moon rituals and practices with me, please tag me @vallavignelife on instagram. I would LOVE to see what you’ve created and how you are channeling this abundant energy!

Many new moon blessings to you!!


Podcast Host

Valerie LaVigne

Valerie is the creator and founder of Valerie LaVigne Life and the Women's Empowerment Show. She helps busy and empowered women create healthy habits so that they can become the best version of themselves and transform their lives. Learn more about Valerie here!


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